IN intellect Law and Patent Attorneys (Ukraine)
Company IN intellect Law and Patent Attorneys
Country Ukraine
Postal Address P.O. Box 7399, Kharkiv, 61057, Ukraine
Phone +38 (050) 556 33 68 , +38 (091) 9222 584
Litigation Yes
Year Established
Number of Practitioners
Contact - Patents Svitlana Isaieva,
Contact - Trademarks Maryna Nosovytska,
Contact - Designs Maryna Nosovytska,
Firm Description
IN intellect Law & Patent Attorneys Company offers full range of intellectual property and legal services:

Registration of all IP objects (trademarks, inventions, utility models, designs and copyright objects) in Ukraine and post-Soviet Union space.
Renewal and maintaining of all IP objects in Ukraine and post-Soviet Union space.
Making amendments to the State Patent and Trademark Registers of Ukraine and post-Soviet Union space.
Registration of License Agreements and Assignments of all IP objects in Ukraine and post-Soviet Union space.
Pre-trial and court representation of all IP objects in Ukraine and post-Soviet Union space.
Entering of all IP objects to the Customs Register of Ukraine.
Registration of business companies and their branches in Ukraine.
Svitlana Isaieva - Patent and Trade Mark Attorney of Ukraine and Lawyer. Legal Partner of IN intellect Law & Patent Attorneys.

Maryna Nosovytska - Patent and Trade Mark Attorney of Ukraine. Legal Partner of IN intellect Law & Patent Attorneys.